Frictional Games Game Chosing Guide Written by a nerd

Try to say that many times quicly one after another!

Everything on this page is written by my opinion. That means you can experience everything different than I have written here!

hard / moreeasy / lessNote
scaryADD / BPAaMfPOvertureRequiem is not scary
funBlack PlagueOvertureAaMfPADD not really fun
puzzleRequiemADD / BP / OvertureAaMfPRequiem REALLY hard
emotionPenumbra seriesAmnesia seriesTo my opinion
adventureOV / BP / ADD / AaMfPRequiemRequiem is pure puzzle

Fun + emotion by order to my opinion:
BP / OVAaMfPADDRequiem

The Penumbra series is a really good series of horror games. It's not just made to make someone scared, but it reveals the true human inside someone. Unlike most other horror games, you get a weapon to defend / attack. You feel like you can do something(the "mistake" they made in OV). But, in this series you can't do anything about that. No combat, which makes it even scarier and more emotional.
For example, in Overture there comes at some point a dog at you. You have a hammer. Just fight the dog, and your problem is gone. That doesn't mean that isn't scary, but still.
What if you can't? And there's a dog that attempts to attack you? What do you do? That makes the mood different.
The Penumbra & Amnesia series requires will to complete. Sometimes it is really scary, even there is no danger at all. Does it bother you? Do you quit(while you want to play)? Here's a nice strategy: Make it derp.
Throw chairs at the wall. Sing songs. Do weird stuff. Just like when you are depressive it's handy to keep on, doing stuff, even it's useless.
The Amnesia series is different from the Penumbra series. It's in an other time, other story, other puzzle-style... It's possible that you dislike Amnesia while Penumbra is awesome to you(I think ADD sucks, but Penumbra is great!). ADD is REALLY different from all of the others. You not only have to stay alive, you have to stay in the light too. Which is really hard sometimes. You have to manage all your light-stuff(fuel for your lamp, tinderboxes, etc.). It's very depressing to me, more than any other game so far.
Penumbra Requiem even more different from all the others: It's pure puzzeling. You don't feel like you are on something, there's danger but no real enemy encounters. It's pure puzzeling.
Frictional games is up to another game, called SOMA, (hopefully) comming in early 2015. I hope it will be better than any so far!
If you don't have any experience with horror / adventure games, I think eiter Overture(best for me) or AaMfP is a good desision to begin. It's not too hard, not too scary, but nice mood and progress.
I must say, you don't really play it again. You can try to find all of the notes(only in Penumbra), you can try it to complete faster, take on a different strategy... But you know what's coming, you know the puzzles.
You may not get everything what's said here. If you played at least one of these, you'll get it.

Penumbra Overture(OV)

Penumbra Black Plague(BP)

Penumbra Requiem

Amnesia: The Dark Descent(ADD)

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs(AaMfP)

I hope you found this usefull. Comments? Send me an email!( - More info - Date made: 25-2-2014